Horse Racing Systems | Insider Info Service


VERY LATEST - Gambles and Favs Start the Flat Season in style

We have put together results just for these 2 services since May 1st 2024 and they are excellent.

Click here to see the latest Favs and Gambles Results since May 1st 2024. These are worth
the membership fee alone.

Since May the 1st they have combined to bring in almost +75.0 points

Currently +797.42 points profit since inception
(download latest results below)


Monthly Combined Profit Figures

Month Monthly Totals Running Total
August 2017 +72.97 +72.97
September +53.01 +125.98
October +38.50 +164.48
November +19.37 +183.85
December +2.67 +186.52
January 2018* -36.86* +149.66
February +1.95 +151.61
March +1.70 +153.31
April +28.84 +182.15
May +4.41 +186.56
June +11.40 +197.60
July +9.41 +207.01
August +35.89 +242.90
September +15.74 +258.64
October +4.88 +263.52
November +5.62 +269.14
December +1.22 +270.36
January 2019 -8.81 +261.55
February +10.02 +271.57
March +25.0 +296.57
April -4.9 +291.67
May +25.5 +317.17
June +5.43 +322.6
July +1.52 +324.12
August -10.5 +313.62
September +2.15 +316.22
October -11.63 +304.59
November -0.28 +304.31
December -5.87 +298.44
January 2020 -34.83 +263.61
February -3.57 +260.04
March +15.13 +275.17
April +0.95 +276.12
May -4.87 +271.25
June -2.63 +268.62
July +8.97 +277.59
August +14.27 +291.86
September +13.01 +304.87
October +12.88 +317.75
November +63.31 +381.05
December +1.07 +382.12
January 2021 +2.0 +384.12
February +25.44 +409.56
March +1.06 +410.62
April +62.31 +472.93
May -16.03 +456.90
June +70.09 +526.99
July -70.65 +456.34
August -31.0 +425.34
September -23.28 +402.06
October +166.32 +568.38
November +10.04 +578.42
December +164.55 +742.97
January 2022 -15.14 +727.83
February +1.93 +729.76
March +10.96 +740.72
April +33.91 +774.63
May +18.8 +793.43
June +30.05 +823.48
July -13.28 +810.20
August +5.12 +815.32
September +65.28 +880.6
October -21.77 +858.83
November +61.75 +919.75
December -10.28 +909.47
January 2023 +2.53 +912.00
February -12.12 +899.88
March -68.67 +831.21
April -36.12 +795.09
May +66.31 +861.4
June -49.12 +812.28
July -31.25 +781.03
August -16.58 +764.45
September -10.41 +754.04
October -6.03 +748.01
November +4.0 +752.01
December -7.57 +744.44
January 2024 +19.43 +763.87
February -1.63 +762.24
March -9.6 +752.64
April -5.11 +747.53
May +53.93 +801.46
June -4.04 +797.42

(When we have had a very poor month, the service that has been the main cause of this has been dropped or suspended .)

The tips are derived direct from insider knowledge from within certain stables and ex jockeys etc but now also include Andy's double bubble bets, which are derived from various ratings and are the horses that are rated the very best to win their races. There are not many of these each month but they normally perform very well.

An early trial of all the tips for this service has been had at The Total Betting Club.

Andy, the man who provides these tips has several close connections that will provide this quality info for you.

Bets do not come along every day for each service and for some we will see maybe 1 bet a week, however, with them all combined we do generally see bets every day.

The service at present consists of several separate contributors and the double bubble bets.

For a full breakdown of all the results please see the November 2017 - July 2024 results link below.

Restricted Number Of Members

As the information is sensitive and we don't want to see prices affected too much, we may have to restrict the numbers of members. We won't know for sure how much effect the number of members will have on results but if we start to see the prices drop then we will restrict the numbers. It is therefore advisable to get in early so as to avoid disappointment.

Sign up today to be added to the daily info list.

The cost for this premium inside info is just £40 per month.

As a note, if you sign up after the daily info has been sent out and a selection has not yet run then you will receive a copy of the info email ASAP. If it has already run then you will be on the list as from the next day.

You can sign up today by using the link above.

For a full breakdown of results please download the results file, lower left of this page.

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