The Prospector Service

VERY LATEST - John Hits Back With A Massive Month And Into Fresh Profits

Initially we had a bit of a slow start to going live with 2 below par months BUT....

John has bounced back superbly with a huge September and has now fully recovered from the first 2 months live. Best of all, he has moved into new profits, which is of course great news for everyone and exactly what we expected right from the start.

July -16.68 points
August -14.74 points
+34.76 points

John says he is extremely hopeful these current results will continue into October and well beyond, which makes now the perfect time to get on board. Striking while the form is hot is always important and right now, John is in peak form.

Overview And Past Results

Original Live Trial In The Total Betting Club Produced +74.72 points

Playing all each-ways in the trial to '1 point win' produced a whopping +96.0 points
And a superb ROI of 41.5%

(download latest results at the bottom of this page and read on for much more info)

John, who is behind the trial, says that the selection process he now uses takes 3 rather different approaches and combines them into the one ‘Method’ so in a way, it is ‘3 for the price of 1’. The 3rd approach is brand new and more details are provided below.

The Main Approach

John says he has adapted, developed and improved a method he previously trialled with The Total Betting Club. These will generally be shorter priced selections and will typically be 3-point maximums. These will typically be priced at a Betfair forecast price no less than Evens and above, and regularly hit around a 50%-win rate.

He goes on "There are no certainties as we all know, but I am hopeful of targeting around +40.0 to +50.0 points profit per month from the 2 methods as guided above".

The Second Approach

A new approach has been used recently has improved results. There is only Data available for about the last 5 months but this has resulted in around +65.0 points profit from a mixture of Win and Place bets. (Typically just 1 a day) So around +15.0 points profit per month on average. Average prices are invariably Priced 0ver 10 BSP , for example 14.56 and 11.5 Winners in recent weeks, and Place prices have been averaging around 4.0 or 5.0 and with some as high as 8.45 and 10.0.  

The 3rd And Effectively A Bonus Approach - New From October '24

John is constantly looking for ways to tweak results and profits using data bases and records and due to some very promising research and testing he is adding a third approach which he believes should add real value.

There have been 158 selections this year - around 17 per month, with a Strike Rate of close to 30% and an ROI of 60%. The average profit has been +10.0 points per month with just 1 losing month and that was only - 2.01 points!

John is confident that this 3rd approach will hopefully bring in extra points and over all 3 approaches, we could see 40.0 to 50 points a month. Clearly we all know what variance can bring, July and August showed us that much, but with this now being something of a 'portfolio' approach, with the 3 elements, we can hope that this will be levelled out somewhat and results become more consistent. 

Restricted Number Of Members

At present there are no plans to restrict the numbers but if prices become too deflated then a policy may have to be introduced. It is therefore advisable to get in early so as to avoid disappointment.

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The cost for this premium service is just £40 per month.

As a note, if you sign up after the daily info has been sent out and a selection has not yet run then you will receive a copy of the info email ASAP. If it has already run then you will be on the list as from the next day.

You can sign up today by using the link above.


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